Welcome to the very first 360 Living blog post. We're excited to fill this online space with many resources, insights, and features to help you live your best life. To start off we figured we'd give an introduction to what 360 Living is all about and how it came to be.
So who exactly is "we"?
Jacquelyn Salvador and Yvon Dalat founded 360 Living out of a passion for living life in the best way possible, and for helping others do the same.
Yvon was seeking to share the results of the Authentic Happiness Project, which had been helping people evaluate and improve their lives all over the world through a survey and a set of customized reports. Jacquelyn happened to be seeking writing work at the time, so when she read about Yvon's project and saw its alignment with her own interest in living life in the best way, it seemed a perfect match.
An agreement was forged with Yvon crunching the numbers and gathering data, and Jacquelyn weaving them together into an actionable guide to help people find the good life. As they say, the rest is history. You can click here to read more about us and how 360 Living came to be.
Now that you know a bit about who we are, let us just say at this point that we're grateful you're here! We know there are a million other places where you could be directing your attention, and we'll do our best to make every moment here worthwhile and jam-packed with inspiration, empowerment, and engagement.
We're now excited to share the results of those many months of research and resource-gathering as we launch the book and the site.
We're also eager to share those resources and messages of 360 Living elsewhere, too. 360 Living is a result of the work and messages of many others who have worked on elements of living the good life, and we want to continue working collaboratively with others to share those messages. If you know about potential communities or platforms who may be interested in our work and findings, we're happy to chat about speaking engagements or guest posting -- get in touch!
Now onto the mission and functions: 360 Living in a nutshell

As the name implies, the idea of 360 Living is to take a wide-angle view of life, and to be conscious and intentional about our efforts to improve our lives in every direction.
It's about discovering the greatest potential for your life by finding balance and optimization, rather than dumping too much energy into any particular area(s). That, friends, is a recipe for disaster. We can only maintain such an unbalanced existence for so long, and there becomes a point when that backfires on us.
The 360 Living book is a distillation of dozens of resources, strategies, and insights meant to support that wide-angle view of life. It highlights critical findings from bestselling books, blogs, research studies, and international publications to provide a go-to resource on living a truly balanced life. It's broken down into discussions on each foundational life area, and the content on this blog and website will focus on providing further support to those topics. We also often refer to the many valuable resources on the Authentic Happiness site, including the original Authentic Happiness Survey. That's where the seeds of 360 Living were initially planted, after all. Although it grew from a simple idea, it remains a remarkable resource that has helped thousands start changing their lives for the better.
We hope that you'll find this space useful in your own journey toward better living. We'll do everything we can to tackle the burning questions that pop up along the search for true and lasting happiness, and to equip you with the resources to blaze your own trail. We're also all ears for feedback and content requests. Have a question or a content idea? Share it here!

Again, thanks for being here! Since you've taken the time to get this far, we've listed below some of our favorite resources to kickstart your journey.
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: a kick-in-the-pants reminder of how simple action can lead to major improvement and success (written by the publisher of SUCCESS magazine). We have tons of other book recommendations, but this is a really good starting place because the principles can be applied to every angle of life.
Summaries of bestselling personal development books (free PDFs): Paul Minors does an awesome job of condensing books into their main value points to save time and decide if you want to read the whole thing. Titles include Ego is the Enemy (Ryan Holiday), The 4-Hour Work Week (Tim Ferris), Crush It (Gary Vaynerchuck), The Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod), and more great reads. If any of the summaries pique your interest, we highly suggest checking out the full-length books to really digest the messages. We're not just saying that because we co-authored a book, either...we're just big reading advocates.
The Authentic-Happiness Survey (includes 3 free customized reports with personalized resource suggestions): this simple but comprehensive survey helps kickstart your journey to better living, guiding you through a straightforward evaluation of every area of life.
Happify.com is a science-backed repository of directed programs and standalone activities to support happiness and wellbeing. It's great for a quick pick-me-up or a more in-depth experience in topics like managing stress and improving relationships.
You can also get more happiness-boosting resources and inspiration delivered straight to you by signing up for the 360 Living Newsletter. We're building up the content library for now, but we promise to start sharing all the best stuff as soon as we've got Big Mo working with us (check out The Compound Effect if you haven't met Mo yet).
That's it for this intro. We look forward to having you along with us as we continue learning and discovering new and better ways of living!
In abundance,
The (small but mighty) 360 Living Team